10 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me

10. When it comes to working with customers that are upset, I have some personal rules that go along with Zapier’s H.E.A.R.D. technique:
H -Hear
E- Empathize (not sympathize!)
A- Apologize
R – Resolve
D- Diagnose

9. I am a remote warrior! I am eight years into working remotely. I have gained so much experience while working with people from around the globe. Time zones do not stop me from communicating with my team and feeling connected. This is my natural flow!

8. I love the “News Paper Test” principle. I hold this value in my personal life and my work life.

7. Infectious Enthusiasm. This is feedback I have heard time and again, from different companies I have worked with over the years. I have infectious enthusiasm– even when others are less than thrilled I am willing and happy to take on challenges.

6. Not only am I up for a challenge, but I love learning. I am currently working through the Google IT Certificate courses just for the fun of it. Oh, and the garden I started this year? That was a learning experiment, too! This week’s new adventure? I am trying my hand at making sourdough bread for the first time!

5. One of my core values is generosity. I try to help others as much as I can. The current pandemic and social distancing have prevented me from helping with programs I typically volunteer at. I have begun looking for ways to help others during this unique time. I was able to find an online option and have joined 7 Cups.

4. I do not have a “not my job” mentality. I am always asking others if there is anything I can help with. I am not your typical Customer Support Agent. I love collaborating and helping in any way I can. Everything from QA work, jumping on stand up calls with engineers to give feedback on what I can share from the CS side, and taking on projects that typically wouldn’t be a CS area.

3. I love working with customers. It brightens my day when I make their day.

Over the years I have communicated with thousands of people. I am sure there are a few people who I might stick out in their memories. And, there are some people I will never forget. I have worked with my current company since 2017. There was one member I communicated with a handful of times over the years. I always smiled when I saw something come in from him.

His wife emailed me earlier this year letting me know he had passed away from cancer. I knew he was undergoing treatment and that he was no longer traveling, but did not know it was that severe. To this day, I still tear up thinking about Mr. Z.

I might be able to make someone’s day, but I do not think people realize how much they touch me.

2. I think I would be a great addition to the company! I am a self starter who can work independently, but understand the value of team work.

1. Quality, not quantity. The phrase my best friend and I are always texting each other. I would like to find a company that I can grow with and enjoy. Quality: I am looking for the right fit, not the fast fit.